About Shedding Skin Journal Writing Practice:

shedding skin

Did you know that a snake will die of suffocation if it doesn’t shed its’ complete skin-even the covering of its’ eyes? The snake rubs up against something sharp to begin the shedding process. 

Shedding Skin writing practice scratches off old beliefs that don’t serve you any longer. I offer you a sharp prompt to lead the way to cutting through illusion. Shed light. Shed shame. Shed tears. Shed love. This is your gift of excavating your soul. Reading your writing out loud with witness creates new positive neural pathways. Science and ritual. 

When my words reflect my soul, I vibrate. Literally I feel an inner hum inside me. Maybe it’s a human purr. I actually salivate and my mouth drools!
It is my soul purpose to connect-intimately-inside and outside, verbally and non-verbally, align completely with mind, body, and spirit. No compromise. If depression is a by product of alienation, then Shedding Skin Writing Practice cultivates self-acceptance and develops integration. 

Science shows that writing for self-discovery literally rewires left and brain functions. Along with Psychedelics shedding light and offering a bigger perspective, Shedding Skin Writing Practice also creates new neural pathways. In other words, when we listen to our intuition, our inner guide, we discover that we don’t have to change who we are. We simply become more of who we are. We evolve. By cutting away illusion, we illuminate our Psychedelic State of Mind, that dwells outside the box of cultural shame. 

nothing haunts us like what we dont say

Shedding Skin Journal Writing Practice is writing from the inside-out.
It’s both following your heart and writing with your mind.

During our Shedding Skin Writing Practice, you will read aloud what you wrote. I’m not listening to content and sentence structure. I’m listening to your breath, pace, voice inflection. Where you zip past, or catch your breath. Remember snakes use friction to shed their skin. 

Sharing your writing with witness sheds light.
Being heard might feel like healthy skin coming off
and it’s necessary for growth of your soul.
Imagine someone could really hear your soul speak;
And see into your soul.
It’s super simple. In a private session I listen to you, your words, your pause and the breath in your voice. Even on zoom, I listen and observe the subtle for your Shedding Skin Writing Prompt.
I’ll choose a prompt to direct your timed ‘free write’.
You will then read to me aloud what you wrote.

Are you ready to be amazed at the brilliance you uncover?
Your genius is at the tip of your tongue without reaching further than your belly button. 

Life’s to short to hold back your gifts to the world. 


Letting someone help you is sometimes the bravest thing you can do.

Let’s schedule your FREE Introductory session!

Click here to read more about who I am professionally.

As a published author, I am your writing coach and editor.

As a trained Transpersonal Therapist, I am your soul advocate and Heart Whisperer.

As a facilitator trainer, I help you move forward and stay focused.

As a mover and shaker of authenticity, I help you unleash your tongue and speak your truth from the inside out.

Let’s schedule your FREE Introductory session!